Nile . Center



Cairo, 11765, EGYPT

Explore opportunities

Study In

High quality language teaching program is appreciated
worldwide. Explore opportunities in Egypt

Explore opportunities

while having fun

You can experience the best part of the country
while developing yourself

Explore opportunities

Historical Places

You can experience the best part of the country
while developing yourself

Certified by

Egyptian Ministry of Education

Intensive Summer Courses

Having the experience of 23 years of teaching Arabic to foreign students with our experienced and well-trained staff, we offer you an exquisite  program that will allow you to learn Arabic as well as Egypt’s culture in a profound way.

We would love to host you in an accommodation of your choice from a hotel room to a fully furnished flat in magnificent Egypt, the land of Pharaohs and rich history.

Arabic Lessons

Learn Arabic, the common language of all Arab countries.

Qur'an and Tajweed Classes

To read the holy Qur’an in a proficient way.

Calligraphy Lessons

Available if you are interested in arts.

Islamic Studies

Tafsir (Interpretation of the Quran), Hadith, Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) etc.

Courses Offered

Arabic Courses

- Modern Standard Arabic (Fusha)
- Learn Arabic And Travel
- Egyptian Colloquial Arabic
- Arabic Grammar Courses From “Al-Nahv Al-Wadih”
- Ilmul-Balaghah – The Art Of Eloquence
- Arabic Grammar Courses
- Classical Arabic Grammar (Al-Ājrūmīyyah)

Qur'an and Tajweed Lessons

- Quran Reading for Beginners
- Tuhfatul Atfaal
- Matnu’l-Jazariyye
- Fully Quran Memorization
- Basic Quran Memorizing
- Tajweed Course
- The Seven / Ten Qira’at
- Maqamat Courses

Islamic Studies

- 40 Hadith Of Imam An-Nawawi
- Fiqh Hanfi (Ithaf Al-Talib)
- Fiqh Maliki (matn al-Ashmāwiyah)
- The Bayquniyyah Poem (Usul Al-Hadith)
- Nur al-Yaqin fi Sirat Sayyid al-Mursalin
- An Introduction to Ulum al Qur’an
- Fiqh Shafi’i (Safinat Al-Naja)
- Aqeedah (Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar)
- Usul Al-Hadith
- Al-Sunnah
- Tafsir Juz Amma
- Mantiq


The intensive period is designed as follows:

Period : 1-2 weeks, 1 / 2 / 3 months or more

Minor modifications are possible depending on the arrival date of students.




Certificate of Attendance


Designed for Groups

Standard Intensive Course Fee:

From 600$ pp (per month)

Fees include; invitation letter, meeting at the airport, sendoff, 2 Arabic courses with group (4 hours/day), Quran lessons, Calligraphy lessons, educational documents, and certificate.

Students will need to pay extra tuition fees if they ask for extra lessons. Payments should be sent to our bank accounts or to our accounting department on the first day of the classes. Students who leave earlier during the intensive program will not get a refund. The course fees are non-refundable once the classes begin.


Price List

$ 600
Monthly (PP)
  • Meet – Sendoff
  • Invitation Letter
  • 80 Hours Arabic With Group (2 Levels)
  • 30 Hours Qur'an Lessons With Group
  • 10 Hours Calligraphy Lessons
  • Course Materials
  • Fixed Schedule
  • Learning Trips and Activities
  • Study Times with Co-Teachers
  • Certification
$ 1650
Monthly (PP)
  • Meet – Sendoff
  • Invitation Letter
  • 80 Hours Arabic With Group (2 Levels)
  • 30 Hours Quran Lessons With Group
  • 10 Hours Calligraphy Lessons
  • Courses Material
  • Fixed Schedule
  • Practice Tours
  • Certification
  • Learning Trips and Activities
  • Study Times with Co-Teachers
  • Accommodation at Home with Group
  • Historical & Touristic Cairo Tours

Talk or Text an Advisor For Details.

Don't hesitate to call us for your plans!

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Our Services