Semi-Intensive Arabic Language (A1-C1)

Nile Center is now offering you a semi-intensive training package that you can complete in 4 weeks. When you finish this program, you will notice a significant improvement in your level in a short time. With this program, which aims to develop four main skills, you can make your time productive with reading-comprehension, listening-comprehension, speaking, writing, and interactive activities.

You can register for the program from the link below and take the placement test. After making your payment, you will be added to the appropriate group and you will start the lesson as soon as possible.

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Get to Know your Instructor

A key to your success is knowing your instructors and what they identify as important in your courses. Developing good relationships with instructors involves good communication during class times.


Measure your Level

Certifying your level makes you stand out from the crowd. But in a broader sense, measuring your level reliably, and being able to track your level change over time, is important for any learner – how else will you know if your is improving?

Attend Class

As part of planning ahead, treating every class meeting like an appointment is part of being a self-directed learner.So finding the internal motivation to go to every class is an important step. Your time is valuable, and every class meeting offers the opportunity to learn.


The perfect course plan for you

Group Lessons

$ 40

per month

Semi Private Lessons

$ 90

per month

Private Lessons

$ 260

per month